Ultraleap Max external

An Ultraleap Leap Motion Controller Max external
Jean-Michaël Celerier / Mathieu Chamagne

Ultraleap Max package available in Max Package Manager.
Source code available on GitHub : https://github.com/celtera/ultraleap

Compatible with the Leap Motion Controller 1 & 2, Ultraleap 3Di Stereo, IR 170 Evaluation Kit.

Requires Gemini: Ultraleap Hand Tracking Software
Build for Max 8 for Windows, Mac intel & arm64.

This external returns :

frame_info : frame_id, left & right hands tracking status, device_framerate
hands (palms) : position(xyz), orientation(quat), velocity(xyz), pinch, grab
Fingers (tips) : position(xyz), orientation(quat), velocity(xyz), fingerExtended, fingerLength
Bones : prev_joint(xyz), bone_orientation(quat), next_joint(xyz), bone_width, bone_length

Multiple devices support : select device by index or serial number.

This external is built thanks to the Avendish library, which allows (among other amazing things) automatically generation of Max/MSP and PureData objects.

Max for Live devices & demo Ableton Live set available here

MMF (Max Multitouch Framework)


this project was initiated in the Virage project.

The idea : control max user interface directly within a multitouch screen.

This « framework » consists in a set of max abstractions. to « multitouchize » a patch, you just need to place an « mmf.interface » abstraction in your patch, and add to presentation mode and give a name to all the UI object you wish to control with your multitouch screen… and that’s all ! MMF will do the rest…

to talk about MMF, repport bugs, request features, share patches, … visit the

MMF Forum

Requirements :

– cycling’74 Max5 (version 5.0.6 required) – any multitouch interface that sends TUIO messages. MMF has been tested and works fine with : Stantum SMK-15.4 multitouch screen, HP XT2 tablet pc (windows7 + W2TUIO), Demand Evolution + home made multitouch screen + Reactivision or Tbeta , …

Download : MMF google code homepage is here : http://code.google.com/p/mmf/

(you can download the lattest version from here : http://code.google.com/p/mmf/downloads/list or checkout the svn : svn checkout http://mmf.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ mmf-read-only