Ultraleap Max external

An Ultraleap Leap Motion Controller Max external
Jean-Michaël Celerier / Mathieu Chamagne

Ultraleap Max package available in Max Package Manager.
Source code available on GitHub : https://github.com/celtera/ultraleap

Compatible with the Leap Motion Controller 1 & 2, Ultraleap 3Di Stereo, IR 170 Evaluation Kit.

Requires Gemini: Ultraleap Hand Tracking Software
Build for Max 8 for Windows, Mac intel & arm64.

This external returns :

frame_info : frame_id, left & right hands tracking status, device_framerate
hands (palms) : position(xyz), orientation(quat), velocity(xyz), pinch, grab
Fingers (tips) : position(xyz), orientation(quat), velocity(xyz), fingerExtended, fingerLength
Bones : prev_joint(xyz), bone_orientation(quat), next_joint(xyz), bone_width, bone_length

Multiple devices support : select device by index or serial number.

This external is built thanks to the Avendish library, which allows (among other amazing things) automatically generation of Max/MSP and PureData objects.

Max for Live devices & demo Ableton Live set available here


pmpd library Universal Binary (author : Cyrille Henry)
pmpd is a collection of object for pd / max. These objects provide real-time simulations, specially physical behaviors. pmpd can be used to create natural dynamic systems, like a bouncing ball, string movement, Brownian movement, chaos, fluid dynamics, sand, gravitation, and more. It can also be used to create displacements thus allowing a completely dynamic approach of pd computing.
download PMPD UB library (sources included) : PMPD_UB (2007/03/23)
more infos on PMPD : http://drpichon.free.fr/pmpd/ // www.maxobjects.com